Zendo Lims Features
Unified Laboratory Platform

Zendo Lims allows you to manage your laboratory in two comprehensive ways, an analytical and an administrative point of view, providing you with a wide range of tools and features for day-to-day work, supervision and decision making.
Click on each of the features to learn more about them.
Samples Admission
Optimise test request and samples data entry by using the most appropriate method at any given time. Register requests manually, via form, via graph sheet readers or via remote centres.
Add individually tests, through profiles, associated tests or scheduled rules. Define tests panels according to your needs and get a personalised and agile data entry.
You could also register request in block, requesting a group of the same tests for a group of samples, without having to repeat them in each case.
Configure by yourself the format of the registration number to identify each of the samples, combining the current month, year, day or freely set a series of numbers. You can also specify an automatic increase at the time of registration of each request.
Obtain the expected completion date depending on the processing time of each test, taking into account the working calendar set up for the laboratory.
Print out request forms with detailed information of the sample and the tests to be performed, classified by families or by types of samples.
Log commments in the request. Sample type and other request data may cause the normal reference values for some tests to vary.
Throught the registration of Requests in Block you will have the possibility to group different related requests together, in order to generate a unique Results Report to view the information in columns by test or by sample, and enter all your results from a single screen.
Organise your laboratory tasks by using worksheets
ZENDO Lims® allows you to create different models with different ways of data selection. Set up freely the tests that will be part of each worksheet and choose between different presentation layouts (summarised, detailed, columnar, etc.)
Enter easily the test results contained in each worksheet using the grid mode.
Through Closed Worksheets Management , you will be able to generate worksheets by section and by laboratory, including only the requests and tests existing at the time of its creation. Control, in real time, the processing status of each worksheet, you will have the possibility of expanding, deleting, printing out, entering and validating the results of all tests that are part of each generated worksheet.
Enter Results and Validation
Set up results selection filters according to different type of criteria: date ranges or log numbers, pending results, by company, provenance, petitioners, tests, worksheets, urgent, groups, sub-groups, profiles, etc. A complete and intuitive screen design allows you to visualise the status of each result with all the information available for studying its results.
Results can be displayed as numbers, free text, comments, calculations, masks, and coded results. Using the Speech Recognition you will be able to add them comfortably.
For Clinical or Veterinarian fields, Zendo Lims allows you to control easily previous results of the patients while entering the current ones. For the industrial sector, Zendo Lims allows you to review previous results for different conditions such as sample type, sampling point, etc.
Depending on the laboratory sector, you can specify the conditions for the Management of uncertainties, set up significant figures for the results, limits of detection and quantification, accredited tests and regulatory compliance.
Attach images to requests or tests by using the Multimedia Module, being able to integrate them into the results report.
Zendo Lims keeps a complete log of all actions carried out, which guarantees the traceability of samples.
The Results Validation Module will allow us an exhaustive review of all the results obtained by the laboratory. You will be able to validate manually or automatically through a simple selection process of results by multiple criteria such as: out of range results, normal results, Delta Check control, pending results, etc. By configuring Smart Rules you could define freely, without limitation, all those cases of interest that are needed for the results validation.
Connection to Analysers and Measuring Equipment
ZENDO Lims® is prepared for simultaneous communication with several measuring devices that allow it, it could be analysers, scales, temperature probes, etc, through different, totally independent processing threads.
Maximise the efficiency of each analyser by being able to carry out host query connections or in real time, by using barcode labels.
If the device does not have a barcode reader or its specifications do not allow real-time work, you can work in batch mode..
Receive results automatically from each device, ensuring their inclusion into the correct sample and thus improving efficiency in day-to-day work.
If you wish, from the preview screen of the reported results, it is possible to correct erroneous values or delete them before they are transferred to the samples.
Monitor each device's status wherever you are. Get Accessed remotely to the device's management from any geographic location, saving time and costs.
Manage each device or instrument in the laboratory, being able to create scheduled maintenance alerts and open incidents due to failures or malfunctions.
Follow up incidences, equipment repairs or even attach the proof of reparir to each of them.
Attach any type of document, such as: user manuals, technical specifications or any other information related to each device.
Results Reports
Customise the report to your liking, modifying any aspect related to presentation and layout. Configure as many headers and formats as you wish, without any limitations , and keep the appearance of your laboratory results reports including fonts, colours, logos, digital signatures and much more.
Add to the reports images, trend graphs, representations of functional tests, comments, etc. Arrange tests layout into groups and subgroups, determine reference ranges according to different sample parameters, assign different units to express results, set page breaks or include different analysis methodologies.
Isssue automatically reports in block or groups of reports, with multiple criteria selection.
Prints out provisional or final reports, including all tests or only those that have results or are validated.
Having the possibility of using Digital Signatures. The results reports could using an electronic certificate to demonstrate the authenticity and integrity of the document's data. Even if several people are involved in the validation process, Zendo Lims allows the report to be signed digitally with the digital certificates of all of them.
Add QR Codes with all the necessary information to view OnLine all results for its proper verification.
Tasks Supervisor
Total Control. Tasks Supervisor gives you an overall status in real time of the Laboratory.
Diplay the status of each site or each section of the laboratory in real time, making possible to determine exactly whether the work is carried out correctly and which sites or sections are behind schedule, avoiding a delay in delivering the results.
The system will show you graphically the status request (pending, incomplete, complete, validated, with incidents, reported, etc). You will be able to display all this information filtering by different criteria (periods, status of the request, external laboratories, worksheets, etc).
On top of that, you can modify and validate interactively the results, as well as generate results reports.
Appointments Module and Sample Planner
The Appointments Module and Sample Planner offer you the possibility of planning sample collection on a specific date. You will be able to classify samples by type to distinguish between those taken in the laboratory and those taken at home using a mobile unit.
You will be able to create, modify, review and organise the sample collection via an interactive calendar which even allows you to drag and place appointments from one day to another.
Get ready for the sample collection knowing in advance, which containers are required and print out the barcode labels for each one of them. You will also have at your disposal the possibility to generate all kinds of listings and manage automatically the conversion of these appointments into requests in your system.
Configuration and Customisation
Total flexibility. Adapt and customise the software to the way your laboratory works.
Configure Zendo Lims to match the terminology and nomenclature used within your laboratory. By using the Maintenance module, you can freely define everything you need: Tests, Profiles, Companies, Provenances, Sections, Prices, Comments, Worksheets, Reference Laboratories, etc.
Through dynamic tables and fields design freely any data structure you may need, drop-down menus or fields to store information in the system.
You can create as many report templates or listings as you need.
Label designer. Create and design labels using a web editor or through a ZPL interpreter.
Zendo Lims allows barcode labels to be created in different formats and encodings. Two web tools are currently available to develop this function:
Web Editor: A complete web assistant to create personalised labels, simply by dragging the different items and indicating the desired content to achieve a 100% customisable design.
ZPL Interpreter: If you already have a ZPL code to generate your labels, you only have to enter it into the system to generate them, and you can also view the result of the coding on the spot.
Data Importer. Add your maintenance data from external files.
Using the import tool, you can enter the data from your old Lims programme and work with the system in the shortest possible time.
You can import data from text files, spreadsheets, Access databases, XML or CSV files.
Reference Laboratory
Through the Reference Laboratories Module you can control graphically all the details related to the sending of tests and their reception, displaying by external laboratory the number of tests sent, received or pending. You will also be able to verify the profitability of the sent tests by comparing their cost with the invoiced amount.
In detail, you can monitor the expected delivery date of each result, as well as those results that have arrived after the deadline or are still pending reception. In addition, a timeline has been implemented where you can conveniently view all the results expected for a given date.
Smart Rules
Smart Rules Management Module allows us to automate tasks in the laboratory by creating Search, Manipulation, Print and Alert rules through complex conditions and actions.
With Search Rules you can customise the selection of requests and results by using advanced queries that link request, sample, test and result data.
By using Handling Rules you can indicate actions such as adding and deleting tests, modifying results and comments, repeating tests, validating results, etc., for requests that meet the condition set up. You can even decide when these rules are executed, such as when a result is entered or validated.
Printing Rules provide us with the possibility to generate result reports, Request Lists, Worksheets or Advanced Statistics depending on the conditions set.
With Alert Rules you will be able to send e-mail alerts, register messages in the system or create incidents, for those requests and results that meet the set up conditions.
By using Smart Rules Control Panel you will be able to activate the rules you need at any time, as well as monitor all executed actions and check the history of completed rules.
Data Mining
Statistics and Requests Listings make possible to use the data entered, breaking down each of them by multiple items up to a maximum of 5 levels.

Create different types of Listings depending on the moment and use the available filters to achieve greater detail.
Multimedia Module
Advanced system for documents management (images, videos, audios, Office files, PDF files, etc.)
Link any document to a sample, test or log system maintenance for checking up, keeping all information organised.
Include links to web pages or documents hosted on external platforms such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or any other corporate document repository.
Decide which images, photos or PDF files will be included in the results report, setting the order of appearance and location of these and include, if you wish, a note or description.
Hassle-free Invoicing

Zendo Lims has a very powerfull Billing Module which can be used to issue invoices for individual samples as well as for customers. You can interactively view and modify any aspect of the invoice (prices, VAT, series, etc.) before generating it. You can also select a multitude of presentation formats (by customer, by provenance, by requesting party, by test, reduced, detailed, simple, complete, breakdown, etc.).
The system is prepared to generate invoices in electronic format according to customer specifications. Likewise, you can automatically include customer price listings provided electronically.
Also available, a personalised invoicing, for the issuing of free invoices covering any purpose.
The invoicing module allows you to keep an exhaustive control of your invoices. Issued Invoices (samples, customers and customised). The lims system has a complete Debts Collection Management and creates listings according to different criteria. Zendo can also prepare invoice log books, issue remittances, make exports to accounting programs or send invoices automatically by e-mail.
Having also available a Cash Module to control and organise all cash movements incurred by the laboratory by means of openings, incomes, outgoings and balance updates.
Quality Control and Compliance
The Incidents Module becomes an essential tool for the certification or to get your laboratory accredited according to ISO 17025, ISO 15189, ISO 9001 or your country's own standards. This allows users to register non-conformities, corrective actions or preventive actions. It will allow you to keep track of any abnormal situation that you wish to reflect on it. You can establish your control points by freely defining categories, types, and classes of incidents to cover all the sections and activities within the laboratory. You can also indicate the level of priority, who is the assigned user/s, or establish a system of smart alerts for each of the incidents.
You could also define Control Serum Values for inputting into the system and for further graphical processing. Data mining supports graphical representations such as Levey-Jennings or Cusum. Through activation of Westgard Rules we'll be informed at any time of any alert or error that it is detected when carrying out those controls, and also the cause of those issues.
We will also have the possibility to graphically display Daily Average Values of those tests carried out in the laboratory, as well as how many times they were carried out and their standard deviation. By using Correlation Graphs you could compare pairs of tests results at different elapsed times, as well as perform trend analysis.
Documents Management
Zendo Lims allows now a full integration with different Documents Management such as: OnlyOffice, Microsoft Office 365 or Google G Suite. Through OnlyOffice you will be able to fully manage your company's documents by setting up permissions per users and groups, and by sharing, editing and working on online documents.
OnlyOffice also allows you to organise your email, keeping track of projects and tasks or use a complete CRM to streamline your business processes.
Zendo Lims is a sustainable software that minimises environmental impact allowing you to manage documentation digitally. No need to print or keep paper documents, you can link or attach documents such as: analysis methods for tests, user manuals or technical documents for each instrument, training certificates or employment information for each worker, budgets signed by the client or contracts with suppliers, etc..
Warehouse Management
The Warehouse Management Module allows us to freely define suppliers, reagents and consumables to make easier to place orders to suppliers and control their reception by adding delivery notes and invoices received.
We will be able to carry out manual and automatic warehouse movements in order to have the stock up to date for each item.
You will have the possibility to check the valuation of your warehouse at any time, as well as the items out of stock or below the minimum stock, or to check expiry dates and batch numbers..
Through the warehouse statistics, you can graphically display the quantity and frequency of any order placed, as well as the items and their cost per supplier or per item.
Quotations Management
The Quotations Management Module will offer you the possibility of keeping a complete control of all quotes created for clients, both in the initial phase with all the necessary documentation, as well as in the supervision of the workflow and, finally, in the control of their invoices and payments received.
Each Quotation will be displayed by using coloured symbols to indicate its status: in progress, accepted, paused, rejected or completed.
When registering the request and selecting the client, we will be able to indicate to which quotation we want to link it and we will only include the accepted tests in that quotation.
By defining the quotation, we can configure the quote to be made to the client for acceptance via a fully personalised document that Zendo Lims will send automatically by email. Link the acceptance document signed by the client to the quote and forget about having to keep it on paper.
We can track in real time all requests included in any quote and monitor their completion status..
Finally, we can issue the invoice and control the payments made.
In addition, you will have the possibility to create Quotation Groups with different characteristics and merge them in a single one in order to get global documents and invoices.
Stats Module
The Stats Module allows us to conveniently monitor the stats requests status, either from the laboratory itself or, in the case of clinical or veterinary laboratories, from the A&E Department.
Each request status will be displayed using coloured symbols: pending, incomplete, complete, validated and reported.
We will be able to access the desired request to modify it, complete its results, validate it or issue its report (mark it as informed).
Through the system we will keep an exhaustive control of the requests that exceed the set maximum processing time.
Its configuration allows us to generate results reports automatically as soon as your results have been completed and validated.
With Stats Statistics will display graphically all the stat requests processed in different time intervals (monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, etc.), as well as those that have been completed after the deadline. This will allow managers to check when the most urgent requests are issued in order to reinforce and provide more resources to the laboratory if needed.
Sample Monitoring and Tracking
The Sample Control, Pre-analytical Sample Management Module, has been specifically designed to carry out the distribution and reception of the sample containers, keeping track of the areas or sections they must go through to complete the analysis process.
A straightforward system of containers, racks and sections allows you to break down requests and distribute samples so that each container is sent to the defined destinations and in the indicated position. Aliquot samples when required.
Know at all times the container's location, whether it is at its destination or if it is pending dispatch by accessing all its traceability in the laboratory processing cycle.
Furthermore, you will have the possibility to make notes on container comments and incidents that occur during the distribution and reception process, such as, for example, identification or handling errors.
The Distribution Supervisor allows you to visually control the status of each of the containers included in the pre-analytical process: pending distribution, received and completed in each of the sections. All this information can be broken down by Laboratories, by Sections, by Containers and by Identifiers.
Samples Storage System
Through the Samples Storage Module, you will be able to keep an exhaustive control of the stored samples in the Laboratory. Clinical or veterinary laboratories can manage their serum storage or Biobank System for biological samples and industrial laboratories can manage the storage of any type of sample, as well as request tests or studies on them.
Design freely the size and layout of the storage racks for each of the sections or for each of the sites.
The system will visually and intuitively show you the status of each of the storage supports.
Easily locate the position of the stored sample's container or assign a new position within the selected holder.
The same way, you will also have the possibility to make comments and incidents on the stored sample while maintaining its traceability.
Status Panel
Zendo Lims includes a Status Panel Dashboard for your laboratory.
Review, quantitatively or graphically, the number of requests and tests, as well as the invoicing and estimated cost.
Check out data for the current day, the last 7 days or the last 30 days.
Get accessed to the latest messages received from other users within the system.
Help Panel
Through the Help Panel we provide you with all the necessary resources to get to know the system features.
Visually and in a comfortable way, you can check out the user's manual, training videos, personalised tutorials, suggestions and advices, news and changes, as well as the possibility of obtaining immediate technical support from the application.
Messenger and Chat
Complete internal messaging system.
Send messages to other users and manage the messages you have already received.
Buid-in chat system
You will be able to communicate in real time with any user or users, being able to maintain several active and simultaneous chats.
Security and Auditor
Zendo Lims complies with the security standards of Spanish Act 15/1999, of 13/XII, about Personal Data Protection, and also Royal Decree 994/1999 of 11/11/VI, which approves the Regulation on Security Measures for automated files containing personal data.
El envío de información se realiza de forma segura, mediante el empleo de un certificado de seguridad SSL (Secure Socket Layers).
Define the security level of each user by configuring their access permissions to each module. You can also activate two-factor authentication or 2-step verification to access the system, and even restrict access to Zendo Lims® by creating globally IP address or IP address per user.
The system audits automatically all the activity carried out by its users, making easy to consult all the actions that have been logged.
On-Line Results and Electronic Requests
Online Results® is an application designed for your clients to check out their results and print them out via Internet on their PC, smartphone or tablet.
A complete system that allows you to know at any time and in real time, the status of any request and its expected delivery date..
With a simple User Manager, you can modify what users can see or do.
Through Electronic Requests your professional clientes will be allowed in real time, to request to you and check the status those requests, as well as manage the reception of those new results. The laboratory will manage all the traffic of received requests by using a mailbox and their automatic incorporation into the system.
Integrations with other systems
Do you need to issue an invoice file in a specific format because a customer asked you to do so? You will have that file prepared and ready to be sent with a simple click.
Do you need a data exchange program with another management application? Some customers request that in addition to the clinical reports, they want also to receive the analytical data as it wil be included in their computer system.
Do you need to integrate your samples with a Reference Laboratory? By using integration programmes with Reference Laboratories, you will be able to send tests and receive results automatically, saving time and avoiding human errors in the results transcription.
Do you need a customised program? We are in continuous development of External Programs according to our clients' needs and the Sector's evolution, we will study your case and develop it.