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Product Price Users Total

Zendo Lims: BASIC Version

Monthly payment
29 €

29 €

Online Results for Professionals

Monthly Payment
30 €

30 €

Online Results for Individuals

Monthly payment
150 €

150 €

Support Type

Annual payment
0 €

0 €

Opcional Products Price Quantity Total

Connection to Analysers

One-off payment
600 €

0 €

1 Hour Training

One-off payment
50 €

0 €

3 Hours Training Pack

One-off payment
135 €

0 €

5 Hours Training Pack

One-off payment
200 €

0 €

Invoicing Details

Buyers' Details

Invoicing Details

Buyer's Details

(*) Mandatory Fields


Select payment method

Select payment method

Once the purchase has been completed, you will receive an email with all the bank details necessary to make the payment together with your purchase order number. Once payment has been verified, you will receive an email with instructions on how to activate the products you have bought.
When you click on the Paypal button, the Paypal payment gateway will be enabled so that you can make the payment with your customer account. If everything is correct, you will receive an email with the purchase order number and instructions on how to activate the contracted products.
When you click on any of the card payment buttons, the Paypal payment gateway will be enabled so that you can make the payment by credit card without having to have a Paypal customer account. If everything is correct, you will receive an email with the purchase order number and instructions on how to activate the contracted products.
  • Zendo Lims Version:

  • Payment period:

  • Country:

  • Subtotal:

    1280.00 €
  • VAT:

  • Total:

    0 €