Lab Compliance Management Software

Organise your quality system in a precise and organised manner and manage easily the accreditation of your laboratory to ISO or equivalent quality standards in your country. Zendo Lims is verified and works with a wide range of laboratories in different sectors that are accredited to quality standards.

* Fully operational demo for 14 days.


ISO LIMS: Ensuring Standards Compliance Worldwide

Our experience, backed by the trust of more than 600 laboratories, will be reflected on your project.

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How Our LIMS ISO 17025 Helps Your Laboratory to Comply with the Regulation

Get your laboratory accredited to ISO standards. Use all tools that Zendo Lims offers you to help your laboratory with certification or accreditation, such as incidents management and document management.

Laboratories working with Zendo Lims, ISO have been successfully audited for accreditation in quality standards.ISO 17025, ISO 15189, ISO 9001 and even country-specific quality standards.

The process of the quality management system in the laboratory allows the laboratory to work according to the Good Practice Guidance (GLP) manual.

Zendo Lims is a Laboratory documents control software, it is therefore possible to attach all documentation concerning analytical procedures, analysers and measuring devices, customer and supplier contracts, etc.

Incidents Management Module is an indispensable tool for the certification or accreditation of your laboratory to ISO Standards. Record non-conformities, corrective actions or preventive actions. Keep track of any abnormal situation in the laboratory. Define freely incidence categories to establish control points by sections and/or by types of laboratory activity. Indicate the level of priority, the assigned users, or establish a system of intelligent warnings for each of the incidents.

Zendo Lims allows integration with document management systems such as OnlyOffice, Microsoft Office 365 or Google G Suite and document repositories such as DropBox or Microsoft OneDrive. If you have a corporate document manager in the cloud, it is also possible to integrate it with Zendo Lims ISO 17025.

LIMS 17025 Ready, that Enhances All Aspects of Your Laboratory

Sample management, results and validation, reports, connections with measuring devices, interconnections with external systems, invoicing, data mining, quality control, storage, etc. those are some of the functions that Zendo Lims, as 17025 software, makes available to you to guarantee the complete and integral management of the laboratory.

Tasks Supervisor

Tasks Supervisor


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Correlation Graphs

Correlation Graphs

LIMS Tailored to Suit Every Sector and ISO Requirements

Move forward in the digital transformation of your laboratory by taking advantage of the benefits of working in the cloud. Zendo Lims flexibiliaty makes it easy to adapt.

Join Zendo Lims and experience the difference with our LIMS ISO System!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is. In addition to 17025 you can accredit your laboratory to other standardised quality norms, such as ISO 9001 or ISO 15189, or to specific standards in any country.
Zendo Lims will allow you to check that the laboratory is working according to the regulations in all areas of the laboratory and you will be able to data mine the information stored in the database.
Yes, it can. All quality standards have common points and require regulatory compliance. You can manage all documentation, including specialised procedures, and perform version control.
Yes, it does. The document structure in your lims 17025 will be defined by you, so it will be adjusted to your needs. The management of non-conformities or corrective actions will be common to both standards.